Jan 21 - 23, 2008 Amsterdam, Netherlands Park Plaza Victoria Amsterdam Meeting Summary Second Distribution Amsterdam Decision Summary (33.84 KB) Agenda Papers Agenda Item 3 Agenda Item 3 (113.85 KB) First Distribution Agenda Paper 1 - Minutes and Opening Remarks 2 (69.15 KB) Agenda Paper 1-A Draft Minutes (93.05 KB) Agenda Paper 2 Independence (90.81 KB) Agenda Paper 2-A Independence Revised 290291 Clean (268.12 KB) Agenda Paper 2-B Independence Revised 290291 Mark-up (362.48 KB) Agenda Paper 2-D Due Process Checklist (21.25 KB) IESBA January 2008 Draft Agenda (13.98 KB) Independence presentation Drafting-Conventions-Amsterdam-Final (487 KB) Independence-I-Amsterdam-Jan-2008 (233.5 KB) Independence-II-Amsterdam-Jan-2008 (454 KB) Second Distribution Agenda Paper 1-B Draft CAG Minutes Dec 2007 (71.46 KB) Agenda Paper 4 Independence II (110.18 KB) Agenda Paper 4-A Independence II clean (40.26 KB) Agenda Paper 4-B Independence II Mark-up (56.44 KB) Agenda Paper 4-C Independence Exposure Draft (197.71 KB) Agenda Paper 4-D Independence II Detailed Cut and Paste of Comments (686.23 KB) Minutes Independence presentation January 2008 IESBA Minutes (76.43 KB) Updated Agenda Independence presentation IT1 Final Post Amsterdam (259.6 KB) Observer Registration Form All fields below are required. Attendance date(s) First Name Last name Title Organization Address Phone Address (don't fill if you're not a bot) Phone (don't fill if you're not a bot) Fax E-Mail By checking here, I agree to abide by the IESBA Observer Guidelines Trouble registering? Email us