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Sustainability Reporting and Assurance

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A Commitment to Ethics

and Trustworthy Sustainability Reporting and Assurance

The IESBA’s Global Ethics Sustainability Standards encompass the International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance (including International Independence Standards) (IESSA), revisions to existing sustainability reporting standards, and a new standard on using the work of external experts.

These standards are built on fundamental ethical principles for reporting and assurance, providing a robust foundation for delivering high-quality sustainability information by:

  • Offering a coherent ethical infrastructure for sustainability reporting and assurance that is fit-for-purpose. The standards specifically address challenges inherent to sustainability information, such as the use of immature data and systems, and the forward-looking nature of the information.
  • Mitigating unethical conduct, including greenwashing risks, particularly by raising awareness of ethical threats and helping practitioners address challenges such as: non-compliance with laws and regulations (NOCLAR); pressure to act unethically; independence issues; and ethical risks relating to using the work of external experts.
  • Enhancing investor protection and building trust in sustainability information by aligning best ethical practices among all practitioners.
  • Promoting judgments and decision-making that help prevent reputational risks, foster an ethical mindset, and attract skilled and purpose-driven professionals

Learn more about the Global Ethics Sustainability Standards below, including the final pronouncement, related documents, and upcoming resources to support implementation, such as fact sheets and webinars.

Global Ethics Sustainability Standards Webinars

Join the IESBA Team in this free webinar series as they break down the IESSA (International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance) and other key revisions to the Code.

IESSA and Related Revisions: A global baseline for the ethical conduct and independence of practitioners performing sustainability assurance engagements

The International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance (including International Independence Standards) and related revisions to the Code, address critical risks to the integrity, quality and effectiveness of sustainability reporting and assurance such as bias, conflicts of interest, pressure to act unethically, fraud including greenwashing, non-compliance with laws and regulations, and threats to the independence of the assurance practitioners.

Final Pronouncement: International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance (including International Independence Standards) and related revisions to the Code Basis for Conclusions Technical Overview

Using the Work of an External Expert

A principles-based framework to guide:

  • The ethical considerations relating to the competence, capabilities and objectivity of external experts whose work is used by professional accountants (PAs) in business (PAIBs), PAs in public practice (PAPPs) and sustainability assurance practitioners (SAPs) in carrying out their professional activities or services; and
  • The ethical behavior of PAIBs, PAPPs and SAPs when using the work of such external experts.
Final Pronouncement, Using the Work of an External Expert Basis for Conclusions Technical Overview

Ethics for Sustainability Reporting - Fact Sheet

This fact sheet explains key points of the revisions to the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) (the Code) related to sustainability reporting.

Ethics & Independence for Sustainability Asssurance - IESSA - Fact Sheet

Explains key points of the IESSA and related revisions to the Code that address critical risks to the integrity, quality and effectiveness of sustainability reporting and assurance such as bias, conflicts of interest, pressure to act unethically, fraud including greenwashing, non-compliance with laws and regulations, and threats to the independence of the assurance practitioners.

Using the Work of an External Expert Fact Sheet

This fact sheet explains key points of the Using the Work of an External Expert Final Pronouncement, which provides an ethical framework to guide professional accountants or sustainability assurance practitioners, as applicable, in evaluating whether an external expert has the necessary competence, capabilities and objectivity in order to use that expert’s work for the intended purposes.

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The IESBA's Sustainability Reference Group

IESBA's Sustainability Reference Group (SRG) has been established to support the work of its Sustainability Task Force. The SRG members have been selected based on a series of criteria, including their background, experience or expertise in sustainability reporting or assurance, stakeholder groups, and geographical location. The members will act as a “sounding board” to the Sustainability Task Force, providing insights, expertise, or advice relating to the development of global ethics and independence standards for sustainability reporting and assurance. 

The SRG will be chaired by Mr. Channa Wijesinghe, IESBA Member and Sustainability Task Force Member.

The SRG Members are: 

Objectives of Sustainability Reference Group (SRG)

  • To act as a sounding board to the IESBA’s Sustainability Task Force on proposals relating to the development of global ethics and independence standards for sustainability reporting and assurance (“IESBA sustainability standards”).
  • To provide insights, expertise or advice on identified areas or matters relating to the development of the IESBA sustainability standards.
  • To provide input to, or otherwise assist in, the development of non-authoritative guidance material relating to the application of the IESBA sustainability standards.