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March 12 - 14, 2018 | New York, USA

Mar 12 - 14, 2018
New York, USA

Meeting Summary


Agenda Papers

Agenda Item 1 - Introduction and Opening Remarks

Agenda Item 10 - IFAC CAP Global Status of Adoption Report

Agenda Item 2 - Professional Skepticism

Agenda Item 3 - Non-assurance Services

Agenda Item 4 - Future SWP

Agenda Item 5 - Inducements

Agenda Item 6 - Fees

Agenda Item 7 - Technology and Innovation

Agenda Item 8 - eCode

Agenda Item 9 - Rollout Initiatives Restructured Code



IESBA-March-2018-Meeting-Highlights-Podcast (12.99 MB)
00:12 - Introduction: Ken Siong, IESBA Technical Director 00:45 - Highlights & Key Developments: Stavros Thomadakis, IESBA Chairman 03:57 - Professional Skepticism: James Barbour, IESBA Member 06:09 - Inducements: Michael Ashley, IESBA Member 07:29 - Non-Assurance Services & Rollout of the Restructured Code: Kim Gibson, IESBA Member 11:12 - Fees: Ian McPhee, IESBA Member 13:01 - Closing Remarks: Ken Siong, IESBA Technical Director


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