Consultation Paper, Proposed Strategy and Work Plan, 2019-2023
The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) seeks public comment by July 16, 2018, on its Proposed Strategy and Work Plan, 2019-2023.
Leveraging the completely rewritten and significantly strengthened International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards), the proposed Strategy and Work Plan projects the IESBA’s vision for the Code in the global economy. The IESBA’s future priorities and actions will be guided by three strategic themes:
- Advancing the Code’s relevance by keeping it fit-for-purpose for a rapidly changing world, and further strengthening ethical conduct and independence standards;
- Deepening and expanding the Code’s impact and influence through increased global adoption and implementation; and
- Enriching the IESBA’s perspectives and capacities through proactive stakeholder dialogue and co-operation.
The consultation paper was developed following extensive, wide-ranging engagement with stakeholders, including regulators, national standard setters and professional accounting organizations.
Please submit your responses by July 16, 2018 to ensure your views are considered.

Submitted Comment Letters
Kunal Shah (85.68 KB)(India)
Crowe Global (167.42 KB)()
RSM International (267.5 KB)()
ICAS (197.67 KB)(United Kingdom)
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (194.46 KB)()
The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants(JICPA) (13.66 KB)(Japan)
Financial Reporting Council (UK) (547.6 KB)(United Kingdom)
Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer e.V. (IDW) (119.83 KB)(Germany)
IFAC Professional Accountants in Business Committee (54.49 KB)()
Association of Accounting Technicians (110.56 KB)(United Kingdom)
European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs (230.35 KB)()
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica (214.84 KB)(Jamaica)
Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (66.47 KB)(Germany)
ICAEW (269.95 KB)(United Kingdom)
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (193.74 KB)()
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) (282.44 KB)()
Accountancy Europe (1.31 MB)()
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (765.73 KB)(Nigeria)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (209.01 KB)(India)
PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd (184.16 KB)()
KPMG IFRG Limited (52.07 KB)()
Canadian Public Accountability Board (70.44 KB)()
Dr. Christine Nolder and Dr. Jeanmarie Lord (1.08 MB)(United States of America)
Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) (237.65 KB)(South Africa)
The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) (214.24 KB)(Malaysia)
CPA Canada - Public Trust Committee (147.06 KB)()
New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (142.53 KB)(New Zealand)
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (36.32 KB)(Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China)
South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (294.51 KB)(South Africa)
FSR - danske revisorer (203.35 KB)()
Ernst & Young Global Limited (41.55 KB)()
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) (211.9 KB)()
Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (462.3 KB)(Singapore)
BDO Global Coordination B.V. (27.36 KB)(United States of America)
Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board Limited-Australia (200.63 KB)(Australia)
International Forum for Independent Audit Regulators (170.74 KB)(Japan)
International Organization of Securities Commissions (1.83 MB)(Spain)
AICPA Professional Ethics Executive Committee (68.8 KB)(United States of America)
National Association of State Board of Accountancy (119.85 KB)(United States of America)
Grant Thornton (215.23 KB)(United States of America)
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (374.56 KB)(United Kingdom)